Powerful Analysis Tools

Provide exquisite and concise data charts, with the ability to interact with large-scale data, to meet your various needs, Find investment opportunities, risks or other useful information in the process of researching a large amount of data to help you better adapt to changes and make more informed decisions

Comprehensive Grasp And Analysis Of Stock Fundamentals


Refined content
In-depth Data, Financial Rating, Investment Style and other features help you extract key information, making it easy to understand individual stocks
Diversified perspectives
From the core requirements of analyzing good companies and stock prices, it helps you determine whether a company or a stock is worth your investment from multiple perspectives
In addition to the stocks in your watchlist, you can also reply on Peer Comparison to discover more similar stocks and find better investment opportunities

Honors & Awards

Adam Smith Awards ASIA 2023
Best Foreign Exchange Solution
The Asset Triple A Awards 2023
Best New Economy Solution Payments And Collections Singapore
Innovative Information Service Provider of the Year
High-Quality Enterprise
HK01 x 巨子 ICON
2021 Innovative Investment App for Hong Kong and U.S. Stocks
Social-driven Technology Brokerage
2021 Hong Kong Fintech Week
Exhibitor & Sponsor
HKET Excellence Awards 2023
Excellence in Fintech Securities Firm

Your Trusted Securities Brokerage

Our strong capital strength, generation-leading technical team, and automated risk management measures are designed to protect Longbridge and our client assets

Asset Protection

Client assets are independent and managed in the bank
Regulatory periodic strict review and internal and external audit
With a fully self-developed risk control system, continuous iterative updates
Hong Kong Investor Compensation Fund (ICF), providing HKD 500,000 protection
Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)

Data Security and Privacy

Fully self-developed system, obtained ISO27001 and ISO27701 information security management system certification, comprehensive protection of account and privacy security
Encryption algorithm is adopted, combined with user data security level and perfect data backup and recovery, to ensure the security of customers' personal data
Formulate sensitive data classification standards, establish a data life cycle security protection system, and realize full-link data security

Accounts and Networks

Protect user account security through account login two-factor authentication, account operation instant notification, strict password policy and web page timeout monitoring policy and other measures
Equipped with a secure network infrastructure and multiple firewall isolation areas, the key systems and core data are isolated according to VPC, and malicious programs and malware are detected through IDS and IPS
Regular internal security incident drills to ensure that appropriate emergency procedures can be effectively implemented in the event of a network security incident or network attack


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