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U.S. Stocks/Hong Kong Stocks Limited-time offer: lifetime of commission-free account
Originated from global tech-giants
Social-driven Online Brokerage
Redefine the way you invest
Incredible amount of info Incredibly easy to follow
We simplify the complicated. HUNDRED-page financial analysis is now visually presented in ONE seamless snapshot. Pano Mode is revolutionarily designed for everyone to learn the ins and outs like a pro
Live trading with friends Live the trading vibe
Ride the rollercoaster of changes with fellow "BRIDGErs". Share your takes on every up and down in real time. Live trading, live in the moment. That's precisely the vibe we are in
Open discussions Close connections
One look inward, one leap forward. Join the BRIDGErs community built by the millions of investors coming from the top listed companies. Explore with the well-known, inspire the unknown
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The Long Bridge App redefines investment methods
Incredible amount of info Incredibly easy to follow
We simplify the complicated. HUNDRED-page financial analysis is now visually presented in ONE seamless snapshot. Pano Mode is revolutionarily designed for everyone to learn the ins and outs like a pro
Live trading with friends Live the trading vibe
Ride the rollercoaster of changes with fellow "BRIDGErs". Share your takes on every up and down in real time. Live trading, live in the moment. That's precisely the vibe we are in
Open discussions Close connections
One look inward, one leap forward. Join the BRIDGErs community built by the millions of investors coming from the top listed companies. Explore with the well-known, inspire the unknown
Experience seamless trading at your finger tips
  • Open margin account with 2.5-times leverage and real-time quota adjustments through seamless application process
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.
Become one of the first
public investors
  • Get more flexibility with margin financing support on Hong Kong stock IPOs (Support 10 times up to maximum of 33 times)
  • Be one of the first with Pre-IPO Market Trading
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.
Get the low-down
from the get-go
  • Join Longbridge Community, an exclusive one-stop platform amassing the industry's most holistic and personalized content across fundamentals and news, designed for everyone no matter how much experience you have (or don't have)
Gain 360-degree insight
with stellar analytic tools
  • Plan your moves better with easy-to-use visualization tools offering powerful analytics across financial fundamentals, money flow, in-depth stock screening, and many more you need
  • Stay on top of the market with a 24x7 smart AI-curated news push to help you gain 360-degree insight
Boost your portfolio
with the world's best funds
  • Invest with the world's most reputable funds coming from leading global financial institutions
Your trusted partner
  • Get your account in as fast as 1 minute with IPO margin financing rates as low as 4.8%
  • Invest commission-free in Hong Kong and U.S. Stocks for good. * All newly onboarded investors during the promotion period
  • Our customer service representatives are dedicated to supporting you, on trading days; our professional account manager will assist you one-on-one to find out what Longbridge can do for you
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.
Experience seamless trading at your finger tips
  • Open margin account with 2.5-times leverage and real-time quota adjustments through seamless application process
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.
Become one of the first
public investors
  • Get more flexibility with margin financing support on Hong Kong stock IPOs (Support 10 times up to maximum of 33 times)
  • Be one of the first with Pre-IPO Market Trading
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.
Get the low-down
from the get-go
  • Join Longbridge Community, an exclusive one-stop platform amassing the industry's most holistic and personalized content across fundamentals and news, designed for everyone no matter how much experience you have (or don't have)
Gain 360-degree insight
with stellar analytic tools
  • Plan your moves better with easy-to-use visualization tools offering powerful analytics across financial fundamentals, money flow, in-depth stock screening, and many more you need
  • Stay on top of the market with a 24x7 smart AI-curated news push to help you gain 360-degree insight
Boost your portfolio
with the world's best funds
  • Invest with the world's most reputable funds coming from leading global financial institutions
Your trusted partner
  • Get your account in as fast as 1 minute with IPO margin financing rates as low as 4.8%
  • Invest commission-free in Hong Kong and U.S. Stocks for good. * All newly onboarded investors during the promotion period
  • Our customer service representatives are dedicated to supporting you, on trading days; our professional account manager will assist you one-on-one to find out what Longbridge can do for you
* Margin financing services are temporarily not provided to users in New Zealand.