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Intraday P/L

Intraday P/L

Intraday P/L refers to the cumulative P/L from the previous trading day’s closing price to the current trading day’s session.

Calculation formula: Daily Profit and Loss = (Current Price * Current Holding Quantity) - (Yesterday's Closing Price * Yesterday's Closing Holding Quantity) + Today's Sales Transaction Amount - Today's Purchase Transaction Amount.

If any transactions/stock price changes occur, the daily profit and loss will be updated accordingly.


For Hong Kong stocks: The daily profit and loss is calculated based on the stock price changes and trading activities between 9:00 AM on day T to 9:00 AM on day T+1, according to Hong Kong time.

For U.S. stocks, the situation is a bit more complex due to the influence of pre-market and after-hours trading, as well as night trading.

1.Night trading mainly affects the latest price and the statistical time period range.

  • If night trading is enabled, the statistics are from 8:00 PM on day T to 8:00 PM on day T+1, U.S. Eastern Time, and the latest price will include the prices during the night trading period.
  • If night trading is disabled, the statistics are from 4:00 AM on day T to 4:00 AM on day T+1, U.S. Eastern Time, and the prices during the night trading period are not included in the calculation.

2.Pre-market and after-hours trading mainly affect the calculation of the latest price.

  • If pre-market and after-hours trading are enabled, the latest price will include the prices during the pre-market and after-hours periods.
  • If pre-market and after-hours trading are disabled, the prices during the pre-market and after-hours periods are not included in the calculation.

3.If both pre-market and after-hours trading and night trading are disabled: then only yesterday's closing price and the intraday price will be used. If there is a corporate action such as stock split or consolidation during the pre-market phase, it may result in the use of an outdated closing price, causing the asset display to continue to be calculated based on the closing price. In this case, enabling pre-market and after-hours prices will restore normalcy.

4.If pre-market and after-hours trading are enabled, but night trading is not: then the latest price will be the pre-market and after-hours price, and the price after the market closes will still be used during the night trading period.

5.Switch Settings Entry: "Settings" - "Portfolio"


Case 1:

Xiaoming holds 100 shares of Alibaba (BABA), and the holdings are as follows.

Current priceQtyPrevious closing pricePrevious closing qtyCurrent selling volumeCurrent buying volume
200 HKD100 shares190 HKD100 shares00

According to the formula, the intraday P/L is (200 *100) – (190*100) + 0 -0 = 1000 HKD

Intraday P/L: +1000HKD

Case 2:

Xiao Ming holds 100 shares of Alibaba (BABA) at the opening. He first sells 50 shares at the price of 202/share and then buys 50 shares at the price of 198/share. The holdings are as follows.

Current priceQtyPrevious closing pricePrevious closing qtyCurrent selling volumeCurrent buying volume
200 HKD100 shares190 HKD100 shares10100 HKD9900 HKD

According to the formula, the intraday P/L is (200 * 100) – (190 * 100) + 202 * 50 – 198 * 50 = 1200 HKD

Intraday P/L: +1200 HKD


  1. The intraday P/L only calculates the actual holdings, excluding transaction-incurred fees such as handling fees.
  2. If you liquidate and open a position within the same day, the intraday P/L will continue to be calculated using the data at the time of liquidation.