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Statement Field Definitions

Account Summary

It displays the account overview at the end of the statement date, the amount is converted into HKD.

Field NameDescription
Available Balance

Cash balance (or debit balance)

Not including Cash Plus

Not including IPO or fund subscription and other withholding funds in transit

Market ValueTotal value of securities + total value of funds + total value of cash + total value of Cash Plus + total value of unsettled net interest for the current month + total value of unsettled cumulative dividends for the current month
Total AssetsAvailable balance + total value of securities + total value of funds + total value of Cash Plus + total value of unsettled net interest for the current month
Financing AmountThe financing amount at the end of the statement date
Initial Margin RequirementMargin required to open a new position
Maintenance Margin RequirementMargin required to maintain a position
Margin CallThe margin call at the end of the statement date

Balance (Details)

It displays the balance adjustment and balance details at the end of the statement date in different currencies.

Field NameDescription
Opening BalanceThe balance at the end of the previous account day
AdjustmentThe amount of balance adjustment on the statement date
Closing Balance

The available balance at the end of the statement date

Closing balance = opening balance +adjustment

Closing balance aggregated in HKD = account overview.available balance

Closing balance = settled balance + unsettled balance

Settled BalanceThe total of settled balance at the end of the statement date
Unsettled BalanceThe total of unsettled balance at the end of the statement date
Fx RateFx rate to HKD
Closing Balance (HKD)Closing balance (HKD) = Fx rate * closing balance

Portfolio (Details)

It displays the position adjustment and position details at the end of the statement date in different investment types, markets, and currencies.

Field NameDescription
Opening QtyThe quantity held at the end of the previous account day
AdjustmentThe quantity of position adjustment on the statement date
Closing Qty

The quantity held at the end of the statement date

Closing qty = opening qty + adjustment


It display the latest price before (and including) the statement date

Stock: closing price

Options: closing price

Find: the net value announced by the fund company

Market Value

Market value = closing qty * price

(Market value) Aggregated in HKD = account value

Maintenance Margin Ratio

The margin required to maintain a position

If none, it shows N/A

Maintenance MarginMargin required to maintain a position
CostDiluted cost
P/LThe profit and loss of current position

Corporate Action

It displays stocks undergoing corporate action.

Field NameDescription
Ex-dateDate of execution of corporate action
Payable DateEstimated date of distribution of stock or cash
StockStock undergoing corporate action
DescriptionCorporate action description
Stock HoldingQuantity of stock undergoing corporate action
Estimated StockEstimated stock to be distributed
Estimated Stock QuantityEstimated number of shares to be distributed
CurrencyEstimated distribution currency
Estimated AmountEstimated distribution amount

Securities Transaction (Details)

It displays the position and balance adjustment arising from stock trading on the statement date in different markets and currencies. Statement date = trade date.

Field NameDescription
Trade DateThe date on which the order was actually completed
Sett. DateSettlement date of the Exchange
Ref.Reference number
B/STransaction direction

Explanation of adjustment in positions and balance

Stock code + stock name

QuantityThe total of the actual transaction quantity
PricePrice = Gross Amount / Quantity
Gross AmountThe total of the actual transaction amount
Net Amount

The total of the balance adjustment arising from transactions

Sell transaction = gross amount - handling fee

Buy transaction = gross amount - handling fee

Options Transaction (Details)

It displays the position and balance adjustment arising from options trading on the statement date in different markets and currencies. Statement date = trade date.

Field NameDescription
Trade DateThe date on which the order was actually completed
Sett. DateSettlement date of the Exchange
Ref.Reference number
B/STransaction direction

Explanation of adjustment in positions and balance

Options code + Options name

QuantityThe total of the actual transaction quantity
PricePrice = Gross Amount/Quantity
Gross AmountThe total of the actual transaction amount
Net Amount

The total of the balance adjustment arising from transactions

Sell transaction = gross amount - handling fee

Buy transaction = gross amount - handling fee

IPO Subscription (Details)

It displays the balance adjustment arising from IPO subscription deduction in different markets. The balance adjustment is also displayed in the Miscellaneous Cash Transaction. IPO subscription deduction date = statement date.

Field NameDescription
DateThe date when the subscription is officially reported to HKEX and its payment is deducted

Explanation of adjustment in positions and balance

Stock code + stock name

Subscription MethodThe method of IPO subscription
AmountThe amount of IPO subscription
QuantityThe quantity of IPO subscription

Fund Transaction (Details)

It displays fund transaction orders in different fund types and currencies. The balance and position adjustment is also displayed in Miscellaneous Cash Transaction and Miscellaneous Portfolio Transaction. Confirmation date = statement date.

Field NameDescription
Creation DateThe date of applying to buy or sell funds
Confirmation Date

The date of balance and position adjustment

If the settlement of funds and positions are not on the same day, the date of settlement of funds shall be taken

Ref.Reference number

Explanation of adjustment in positions and balance

Fund code + fund name

B/STransaction direction
QuantityQuantity of position adjustment
Traded PriceTraded price = quantity / amount
AmountThe amount of balance adjustment

Miscellaneous Cash Transaction

Balance adjustment except stock trading and options trading, Transaction date = statement date.

Field NameDescription
Transaction DateThe date of balance adjustment
TypeThe type of balance adjustment
CurrencyThe currency of balance adjustment
AmountThe amount of balance adjustment

Miscellaneous Portfolio Transaction

Position adjustment except stock trading and options trading, Transaction date = statement date.

Field NameDescription
Transaction DateThe date of position adjustment
TypeThe type of position adjustment
DescriptionThe currency of position adjustment
QuantityThe amount of position adjustment

On Hold Cash Details

It displays the on hold cash details at the end of the statement date in different currencies.

Field NameDescription
Transaction DateThe starting date of cash on hold
CurrencyThe currency of on hold cash
Expiry DateThe expiry date of on hold cash
AmountThe amount of on hold cash

On Hold Position Details

It displays the on hold position details at the end of the statement date in different investment types and markets.

Field NameDescription
Transaction DateThe starting date of position on hold
DescriptionProduct code and name
Expiry DateThe expiry date of on hold position
QuantityThe quantity of on hold position

Financing Interest

The financing interest that has not been collected for the month up to the statement date.

Field NameDescription
MonthThe month of the statement
CurrencyThe currency of financing interest
Financing Interest RateFinancing interest rate of the statement date
Accrued Interest(Interest Remission)Accrued interest after deducting the interest remission from the interest waiver coupons as of the statement date. Interest remission amount is shown in the brackets.

Portfolio Fee

The portfolio fee that has not been collected for the month up to the statement date.

Field NameDescription
MonthThe month of the statement
CurrencyThe currency of portfolio fee
Portfolio Fee RatePortfolio fee rate of the statement date
Accrued InterestThe portfolio fee that has not been collected for the month up to the statement date